Create the Success You Want LaKeisha Hankins

Create Success Wherever You Are

Success is different for every person, but at the end of the day it is all about who you are, and who you are becoming.  It’s about being the best version of you and achieving your goals and dreams. Your success will bring you a sense of accomplishment.

But too often than not though, we make a laundry list of goals and what we want to achieve in life, and the list remains on the nightstand or lies dormant in a notebook. Sadly, the words do not move from the page and success seems to elude us. Regardless of what success means to you, there are strategies for making your dreams a reality. Success is possible for all regardless of obstacles, challenges or setbacks, it Is possible.

Are there goals you want to reach?

If you answered Yes, then it’s time for you to take action and bust a move!

It’s time for your move both physically and spiritually. Whatever it is that you have been dying to do, now is the time to put one foot in front of the other and move. If you don’t move you will go to sleep and wake up another year from now in the same place. In other words – actively pursue your dreams and get into action.

Here is what you need to do right now!!

Write down your goals.  You need to write down in detail exactly what it is you want to achieve and what kind of life you want to live. To ensure that you do not set yourself up for failure, make the goals specific, measurable and hold yourself accountable. You do not have to do this alone, ask a friend, spouse or colleague to help you be accountable if need be and if that works for you. Remain open to possibilities, suggestions and support from others and be creative. Be careful not to shut yourself off to new ideas, new thinking, new challenges and new experiences. One never knows what opportunities may be waiting behind closed doors. Embrace all the “luck” that comes your way once you get into action. It is true that that Life rewards effort exponentially, no matter how small the effort or how challenging the obstacles. So, do not be afraid to visualize your highest goals and stay on a path of action to achieve them.

Here are some suggestions for setting goals

Set goals that are yours and not someone else’s dream for you. It may sound selfish, but it is essential to you following through. Before setting your goals, take time to look at your thoughts and beliefs. Self-awareness is the key to making the best choices.

Don’t just set goals that evolve around money.

Some key areas, in which you might consider writing your goals, if you have not already, include: family, spirituality, career, interests, lifestyle, financial, self-growth, health and well-being.

Give a plus to each of these areas you are happy with and a minus to each of the areas you are unhappy with at this present time. Choose one of the minus areas you are most unhappy with and make your beginning here. This is your first step to a happier and more successful YOU.

 “Success means having the courage, the determination and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.” George Sheehan

Action Step:

  1. Leave a comment by answering one of the questions below:
  2. What area of your life are you least happy with and ready to take action?
  3. What does success look like for you?
  4. Do you struggle with setting and sticking to your goals.

Make It A Great Day on Purpose!!


LaKeisha Hankins

LaKeisha Hankins
LaKeisha Hankins

LaKeisha Hankins is a Mom-Preneur and Passion Strategist and Life Coach for Busy Mom. A devoted wife & happy busy mom of 4 beautiful girls. She empowers busy mom's to Unleash Their Passions and live the life they were created to live. She uses her gift of exhortation and coaching training to work with moms are ready to awaken their dreams, start a new business, or create an income online. Grab my free ebook and subscribe to my newsletter for empowering tips to help you Unleash Your Passions.

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